Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Durand Quilt Show

I’m finally getting around to post about the Durand quilt show from a few weeks ago.  This is a quilt show that was held in a church is in a rural area of Michigan.  There is always so much talent at this show.  Durand has lots of railroad tracks running through town, and until the last few years, the quilt show was held at the local train depot.  The train depot is a beautiful, old building with lots of oak trim.
This one made me smile

This one was made up of men’s ties

There were several Halloween quilts

The quilting from the back side of this quilt was awesome.

I love Hawaiian quilts.

Cool signature quilt from the early 40’s

For the sewing machine collectors…

I will post more pictures tomorrow.  Hope you enjoyed the show.



  1. I do love a good quilt show. Thanks for the pics. Lane

  2. The neck tie quilt is really neat. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sorry I missed it. Maybe next time! I'm just over in Flushing (Genesee County).

  4. Karen, thank you so much for taking us to the quilt show. I especially appreciate your sharing the quilting on the Halloween quilt with us.


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