You haven’t heard from me for a while because I’ve actually been quilting for a change. The French Braid class I took did what I wanted it to do, which was to give me a deadline to work towards each week as I got closer to the class date. I used the class as an excuse to take some days off work. I do think my mind may have been elsewhere while I was quilting. In the picture below, the squares at the top of the picture are all supposed to look the same—the middle strip was sewn correctly (right sides together).
Did you ever wonder how you can sew two pieces of fabric wrong sides together, take it to the ironing board to iron, take it to the rotary mat and cross cut it into several strips, sew it to the quilt and only then figure out that something wasn’t quite right? (But my points matched!!!)
I got most of the quilt done, and only need to cut and attach the final border. I did manage to master a mitered border on this one.
I generally avoid mitered borders, but the striped border I chose just begged for mitering. Since I was in a class, I took advantage of the teacher’s help to show me how to do this. The method the teacher used was so simple that I don’t know why I had such a fear of it prior to this.
This is one of the lovely ladies I met in class. Her quilt had several beautiful batiks in lovely magenta shades. The purple quilt on the wall was the class sample.
This was another class quilt in progress. I love the colors that were used in this quilt.
I don’t have any pictures of my quilt yet, but when I do, I’ll get them posted. I have managed to keep up with reading everyone’s blogs, even though I haven’t been commenting too much. Thanks to everyone for visiting and I do appreciate all of your comments!!